About Us
The United Grand Lodge of North Carolina is a Masonic Body, working the Masonic Degree Rituals, with the Grand Master as the Head of the Fraternity. The United Grand Lodge of North Carolina is a Multi-Ritualistic Grand Lodge. It exercises a jurisdiction over the three degrees of Symbolic Masonry; Entered Apprentice; Fellow Craft; and Master Mason.
The Motto of the United Grand Lodge of North Carolina is "FIT LUX ET LUX FUIT"(Let there be light and there was light). The sovereignty of the United Grand Lodge of North Carolina lies in the Universality of its membership. Its sovereignty is exerted by the universal suffrage of Master Masons united in their Lodges. But also working under the Benaiah Sovereign Grand Lodge along with S.O.G.L.I.A. a confederation of Grand freemason Obedience in which all members obey principles of Regularity.